Who We Are
Tusuubira Women’s Development Agency (TWDA) is a non-profit entity working with rural and peri-urban communities especially disenfranchised members of society including women, youth, children, elderly, People with Disabilities (PWDs) and People Living with HIV and Aids (PLHA). TWDA evolved from Tusuubira women’s Group (TWG) which was founded in the year 1997 as a community based organisation and started undertaking community development interventions with a major focus on uplifting the social economic status of all participating members’ households for the most part being women.
Vision, mission and values
The mission of TWDA is to improve the Social Economic status of the peri-urban and rural targeted communities in Uganda.
Our Core values: Love, respect for human dignity, transparency, equity, trust and confidentiality.
Geographical scope
TWDA started its operations in Wakiso and Kakiri sub counties all in Wakiso district in Central Uganda. However, due to the current political sub divisions of the old sub counties, the area of operation now spans across 7 sub counties in Wakiso district which include; Wakiso, Kakiri, Mende and Namayumba Sub counties as well as the town councils of Wakiso, Kakiri and Namayumba. With the current registration status, TWDA is authorised to operate throughout Uganda.
Key achievements to date
TWDA (originally known as TWG) has been part of the implementation of agricultural development programmes for vulnerable communities in the Central Uganda since 2001. Through these projects, successes have been registered in uplifting the standards of living of the people and ultimately providing a substantial income to the beneficiaries.
Furthermore, all the twenty three farmer groups supported by TWDA have been transformed into stronger and vibrant rural producer organisations which are engaged in collective marketing. Noticeable growth in household savings, which in turn has increased members’ access to favourable markets and financing respectively. In addition to that, the three farmer associations supported by TWDA have now registered with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives as fully fledged farmer owned primary cooperatives. This has increased the integration of small scale farmers into the value chains of their commodities. Cooperatives are increasingly giving farmers a stronger voice that will eventually eliminate middlemen who for long have been cheating farmers. TWDA has also improved community awareness about existing government programmes. Through these efforts, over 200 households have benefited from government agricultural and community development programmes.