Tusubiira Women Development Agency

Strategic Focus

TWDA focuses its work on the following strategic areas:

  1. Economic Empowerment;
    1. Support farmer institutional development
    2. Agri-business and value addition
    3. Entrepreneurship development 
  2. Natural Resource Conservation and Environmental Health;
    1. Improve sustainable agriculture practices and production (crop and livestock).
    2. Improve farmers’ accessibility to inputs
    3. Improve energy conservation and reduction of forest destruction
    4. Reduce the effects of climatic change
  3. Research, Advocacy and collaboration;
    1. Promotion of Good governance and democracy
    2. Production of IEC materials
    3. Information dissemination
    4. Creating strategic partnership and collaboration
    5. Improve lobbying and advocacy skills of TWDA staff and other development partners
    6. Improve advocacy skills of targeted farmers and communities
  1. IV.     Institutional development;
  2. Develop and review the strategic plan
  3. Review organisation’s MOU
  4. Restructure TWDA
  5. Organize and hold Board of Directors meetings
  6. Develop Policy documents
  7. Develop monitoring and evaluation systems
  8. Enhance TWDA’s visibility at national and international level
  1. HIV/AIDs prevention;
    1. Support HIV prevention and awareness.
  2.  OVCs & youth:
    1. Provide and promote core interventions at child level that give OVCs opportunities to grow and develop to norms in their community
    2. Promote child protection and legal support
    3. Improve the ability of caregivers and families to support and care for OVCs.